#SUNBURST: How To Identify A Good Person!
May God bless me with a God-fearing man who loves God and understands His words, is a prayer topic many people say always. Well, many think God-fearing is always being in the Church/Mosque and praying 21 times a day. Some think God-fearing is reciting every word in the Bible/Koran. Worst still, some even think acquiring religious titles like, Rev, Pastor, Mallam, Alfa make them godly.
Look for these traits if you are hoping to find a true good-hearted, God-fearing individual:
What is a soul with no empathy, no care and consideration for others? Beware of those who don’t know how to put themselves in other’s shoes. A good person is selfless for no reason but to genuinely help.
If eventually you run into kind people, find out if it’s for show-off or publicity stunts. Kindness for no reason is a trait of genuine good people. Kindness by default.
Good people are generally positive and see positivity in everything. The positive energy they draw from everything they spread to everyone around them. They lift you up when others put you down and cheer you to victory when the rest jeer you.
Those who always pop up their chest and brag with every achievement are hardly good people. No matter their accomplishment, good people stay humble. They neither oppress nor intimidate. It is in them to be humble.
A good person makes you comfortable around him, letting you freely express yourself because he is genuinely interested in your story. He doesn’t judge, raise eyebrows or gossips. He doesn’t portray self-righteousness while condemning everyone else.
Do not forget good people can be found in every tribe, religion, race, region and culture.
May Lights Shine On Our Paths.
#SUNBURST is random thoughts of EoR published every Saturday.