New Moon In Virgo 2024: The Rebirth!

From my vantage point, I see a space body whistling through the dark space at a ferocious speed, heading towards Earth.

Wait a minute; it isn’t coming to Earth, I wonder, as it meanders towards the moon.

Bang! The space body slams into the moon, producing high energy and sending ripples through space.

Fascinating scenes, I think from my edgy position, but where are the colliding bodies heading to? Planet Earth! As the two bodies gravitate towards Earth, they fuse together, forming one body.

Now I’m more curious. Who’s making its way to the Earth plane? Another big bang as the fused body slams into Earth, triggering yet another ripple throughout the planet.

I watch as an infant rises from the fragments of smashed celestial bodies. In a jiffy, the infant grows to become a Queen.

Descending to the epicenter of the orderly crafted chaos, straight to the Queen – is that you, Queen of the Night Sky? What just happened? My curiosity grows as she softly speaks:

“Oh Eye of Ra, the one who changes as order demands yet remains unchangeable, I have been slammed by a high-energy space body from distant worlds. Hence, my form has been transformed. I remain the Moon: the Queen of the Night Sky, but my powers and roles have also changed. May your light shine on my paths.”

More turbulence as multiple space bodies fall to Earth from distant worlds. Interestingly, each transforms into an infant upon hitting the Earth’s surface. It is truly a rebirth as the Moon nurses each and every one of the infants.


From 5th to 11th September 2024, The Moon arrives at House of Virgo and it’s perfect time to be born again. The Rebirth!


1. Get a cup of water and mix it with pinch sized salt

2. Face in the direction of the new moon.

3. Hold the cup of mixture of water and salt in your left hand.

4. Say the prayers below:

“By the Supreme powers of the universe, I purify and bless this water, that it may wash away all negativity and bring new life and energy to me.

Water, oh water, element of life and renewal, I call upon your power to cleanse and transform me”

5. Drink 75% of the water and wash your face and head with the remainder.

Be reminded you shall do this rites at least once between 5th and 11th September 2024

🔺️May Lights Shine On Our Paths


The event is finished.


Sep 05 - 11 2024


8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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