“Eye Of the Sun, EyeOfRa” the voice called from the dark space in the Eastern direction. But, all I could see looking in that direction was a giant figure, shadowing in the dark. The image was neither a male nor a female, its voice was in between the masculine and feminine gender – a balanced proportion of both genders in all aspects.

“This is not the voice I used to know, or your shape I’m accustomed to, Is that you: the Queen of Night sky? Aren’t you heading in the wrong direction? …And Why can’t I see you? Pisces should be your new home” I uttered many words walking towards the image.

And same voice replied “My form and operations have evolved once more. You have to be reborn into a higher realms before you can see me again. Raise your plant in my direction and reconnect to higher realms” the image concluded before vanishing in bits into the sky.


From 11th to 16th March 2024, The New Moon springs in the House of Pisces and its Time to be reborn.


1. Get green plant leaf

2. Hold it in your right hand

3. Face in the direction of the new moon.

4. Say the prayers below:

“Renew my heart and my mind so that I can be ready for a new beginning. Help me leave behind the bitterness and pain of the past. Fill me with new blessings, joy and peace”

5. Keep the green plant leaf in your home until it dries up, then you can dispose.


Be reminded you shall do this rites at least once between 11th and 16th March 2024

🔺️May Lights Shine On Our Paths

The event is finished.


Mar 11 - 16 2024


8:00 am - 11:00 pm
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