ARIES MOON 2024: Makaria to the rescue!

ARIES MOON: Let the order begin!

Deep asleep I was, although alternating through realms, but least active on this plane, the soft feminine voice echoed in all dimensions:

“Are you asleep while darkness and flood cover the face of the earth? The one who goes forth each day over Heaven and Earth, sleep no more for we are being washed off”

Opening my eyes to the reality on ground; thick darkness with a part of me submerged in flood water, her eyes pierced through the perilous darkness, perplexed and eager for a command, the Queen of the Night sky solemnly said;

“I embrace you, and enfold you in all seasons; O The Golden Stool in every royal court. If this planet were a bit bigger, it would be your golf ball. Wake up and act”

“Calm your nerves O you beauty of the night sky” expressionlessly I spoke to her assuaging her fears. Never have I seen the moon so terrified.

“Swim through the flood in the direction of the east and you shall find something unfathomable but key to the solutions you find” I instructed the moon as she set sail immediately.

Returning back with an image carefully wrapped, the Moon excitedly announced her discovery at eastern end of the flood. “Eye of the Sun, I just rescued a child from the flood” she happily said.

Still flooded and dark but i could see that the being wrapped by the moon had the body of a child but the face of an adult.

O Queen of the Night sky, what you have is not a child but Makaria: the modern custodian of numbers – I said to the Moon as She became speechless. Immediately, the flood started drying and the sun shinning to drive away darkness. Suddenly normalcy returned to the excitement of the moon who declared…. let the order begin!.


From 10th to 15th April 2024, The New Moon begins afresh in the House of Aries and its Time for divine rescue.


1. Get a cup of water

2. Hold it in your right hand

3. Face in the direction of the new moon.

4. Say the prayers below:

“O mother of all powers, spread yourself over me, so that I may be placed among the imperishable stars, beam your light through the darkness of the night that I may see my surroundings and rescue my drowning treasures”

5. Wash your head and face with the water.


Be reminded you shall do this rites at least once between 10th and 15th April 2024

🔺️May Lights Shine On Our Paths

The event is finished.


Apr 10 - 15 2024


8:00 pm - 10:00 pm
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